Critical Office Areas that Should Never be Neglected During Commercial Cleaning

When clients enter your office, they expect to get quality services and fair treatment. Notably, most people think that the two are the only attributes required to achieve a high customer satisfaction index. However, nothing could be further from the truth because nothing else matters if your environment looks and feels filthy. Commercial cleaning services play an integral role in raising your company's customer satisfaction index. That said, commercial cleaning services rely on a checklist provided by clients listing all areas to be cleaned. Unfortunately, most office managers do not provide a comprehensive checklist. Besides the floor, furniture and kitchenette, a comprehensive commercial cleaning checklist must include the following commonly forgotten areas.

Door Knobs/Levers

Turning a doorknob or lever is an innocuous act because most people do not know what lurks on the surface. However, the seemingly harmless action can quickly send you to the doctor's office because doorknobs and levers are a haven for disease-causing germs. The reason is that tens or hundreds of people, staff and customers touch a door every time they go through an entryway and leave behind all types of dangerous bacteria and viruses. For this reason, include doorknobs and levers in a cleaning checklist. It helps protect customers and staffers from diseases, such as the coronavirus. Furthermore, a commercial cleaning service provider will give you a disinfectant so that you can disinfect knobs regularly.

Wall Switches

During commercial cleaning services, office walls are often dusted to get rid of loose dirt. However, if you do not state that you need wall switches cleaned, the chances are high that they will remain untouched. In addition, like doorknobs, many people touch wall switches multiple times a day, increasing disease spread. Therefore, office managers must be deliberate about what commercial cleaning services must clean. By including wall switches in a cleaning checklist, you reduce disease spread and maintain hygiene.

Breakroom Appliances

Today, most offices include a kitchenette or a breakroom where staffers can prepare meals conveniently. However, breakroom appliances get dirty over time from the constant opening and closing of doors and food particles. Unfortunately, dirty breakroom appliances attract pests, such as cockroaches, ants and rats into an office. Therefore, office managers must direct commercial cleaners to clean all breakroom appliances thoroughly. However, you must remember to remove any foodstuffs in such appliances before commercial cleaning services begin work.

Contact a commercial cleaning service to learn more. 
