How to Get Mould Removal Right the First Time

Few people enjoy the idea of seeing mould creeping along their walls. In addition to looking unsightly, it's a sign that you may be dealing with a leak, poor damp proofing or bad ventilation. Depending on the extent of the problem, the mould you see on the surface may be a sign of something bigger lurking beneath. Here's how to remove mould efficiently the first time you try. Tackle the Moisture Read More 

Critical Office Areas that Should Never be Neglected During Commercial Cleaning

When clients enter your office, they expect to get quality services and fair treatment. Notably, most people think that the two are the only attributes required to achieve a high customer satisfaction index. However, nothing could be further from the truth because nothing else matters if your environment looks and feels filthy. Commercial cleaning services play an integral role in raising your company's customer satisfaction index. That said, commercial cleaning services rely on a checklist provided by clients listing all areas to be cleaned. Read More