How to Get Mould Removal Right the First Time

Few people enjoy the idea of seeing mould creeping along their walls. In addition to looking unsightly, it's a sign that you may be dealing with a leak, poor damp proofing or bad ventilation. Depending on the extent of the problem, the mould you see on the surface may be a sign of something bigger lurking beneath. Here's how to remove mould efficiently the first time you try.

Tackle the Moisture

Moisture is mould's best friend. When it starts to gather on porous surfaces, it offers the perfect breeding environment for fungi. While one-off exposure to moisture may not cause any problems, repeated and consistent incidents will. As such, before you take any steps towards mould remediation, you need to remove its life source.

If the room you're dealing with doesn't have adequate ventilation, start by opening windows and tackling any HVAC defects you're facing. You can also use a dehumidifier. If there's mould in your kitchen, use your extractor fan when boiling. Similarly, use your bathroom's ventilation system when you run a bath or have a shower. Finally, rather than drying clothes indoors, use an outdoor washing line or a tumble dryer. 

Use DIY Methods to Tackle Mould

There are plenty of DIY options available when it comes to mould remediation. If possible, try sprinkling some baking soda onto the area where there's mould and let it rest there for at least an hour. After the time passes, scrub it with a hard brush and rinse the residue away using a mixture of water and vinegar. Make sure you ventilate the room well while the area dries.

Alternatively, you can use a mould and mildew spray. Such sprays will tackle mould at the surface and they usually contain substances that prevent regrowth. Before using the spray, make sure you read the instructions carefully. Sprays at certain concentrations may require you to work in a well-ventilated area and use PPE. You may also want to keep your pets away from the room where you're using it.

Using a Team of Professionals

If your mould removal efforts aren't effective or if the task seems insurmountable, you should try turning to professionals instead. Professional mould remediation usually involves high-end techniques that can tackle large areas of mould. It's also useful when the mould is lurking beneath the surface.

Depending on the extent of the problem, your mould remediation team may use techniques such as positive input ventilation to push fresh air throughout your home. Once their work is done, you can enjoy living in a clean and mould-free environment. For more information, contact a mould removal service.
